In this video episode, Leslie talks more about the three contents of the cubital fossa. Also, learn about which part of the forearm nurses use to take someone’s blood pressure by watching this video.
Transcript of Today’s Episode

Hello and welcome to another episode of Interactive Biology TV where we’re making Biology fun. My name is Leslie Samuel and this video is brought to you from our sponsors over at, the creator of this app and a number of anatomy apps. This one is for the iPad and it’s called Essential Anatomy. It’s available in the App store for the iPad so, you can check them out over there.
In this video, I’m going to be talking about The Contents of the Cubital Fossa. In the last video, we spoke about the cubital fossa and I’m going to zoom in here really quick. Just to illustrate, of course, for more information on the boundaries, you can find that in the previous video so, you can check that out.
The cubital fossa, if you remember, it’s this triangular depression that we have as we go from arm to forearm. That’s the region that we’re talking about. What we’re going to be doing today is we’re going to be looking at the contents that we find within that cubital fossa, some very important structures that we find there.
In order to see that, I’m going to remove some of the superficial structures like the bicipital aponeurosis. I’m also going to remove… you know what? Let’s just leave it there. We’ll just stick with that and we’ll look at the contents.
There are three things that we find in that cubital fossa. The first would be the tendon of the biceps brachii. Here, we have the biceps. This is the short head and the long head. And, you will see that we have this tendon here that if we were to remove this muscle, the brachioradialis muscle, we will see that that tendon that comes from the biceps brachii is going to be inserting right here on the radius, more specifically on that radial tuberosity. That’s not the focus for this video. That’s another video but you can see that tendon clearly, that is the first item, the first structure that we have within that cubital fossa. We’re taking it going from lateral to medial. So, from lateral to medial, first thing we find is that tendon.
In order to see the next structure, I’m going to hide the short head of the biceps so that, we can see the other two structures. The next one is a very significant artery. That is going to be your brachial artery, this artery that you see here. Let’s zoom in a little more so that, we can see it even closer. That is your brachial artery.
This is a very significant artery especially clinically. When you go to the doctor, one of the first things that they’ll do is they’ll usually take your blood pressure so, the nurse comes in and if she’s an old school nurse, she is going to come in with a blood pressure cuff and she is going to take a stethoscope and put it right over this brachial artery so that, she can get information about your blood pressure and be able to determine what your blood pressure is.
This is the artery that she is targeting, this brachial artery, the second item within the cubital fossa.
Then, we have the third structure and that’s going to be this median nerve. The median nerve is the third structure that you find within that cubital fossa.
Those are the three structures. The median nerve of course, is going down into the forearm. It’s going to get many of the anterior muscles of the forearm and we’ll talk about that in the next video.
So, the three structures are:
Number one, you have this tendon. I’m just showing one head of the biceps, the long head of the biceps but, you can see that at least part of that tendon that’s going down from the biceps to insert on that radial tuberosity. The second structure is that infamous brachial artery that your nurse is targeting. And then, the third structure, that’s going to be the most medial. That’s going to be your median nerve. That’s a good way to remember it, the most medial structure is the median nerve.
So, going from lateral to medial, it’s going to be first, the tendon of the biceps then, your brachial artery and then, your median nerve.
So, that’s pretty much it for this video. I hope you got tons of value from it. If you want more videos like this and other resources to help make Biology fun, you know what to do. Head on over to the website at and I’ll be there to help make Biology fun. This is Leslie Samuel from Interactive Biology TV. That’s it for this video and I’ll see you on the next one.
Is this program the VISIBLEBODY??
waah! Great job! ^_^ Thankyou, making anatomy easy and fun just by listning to you speak
No, this one is called Essential Anatomy and is available in the app store. It’s pretty SWEET!
thank you !